Robert Skinner, R.C.C

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Love Your Life with Restorative Health | Chilliwack

Robert Skinner, R.C.C

Registered Clinical Counsellor

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Robert Skinner's hours :

“I wouldn’t have seen it, if I didn’t believe it!”
~Marshall McLuhan

Rob is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC
Association of Clinical Counsellors. He has a Master’s Degree
in Counselling, a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology,
and a teaching certificate with the BC College of Teachers.
Rob works hard to create a safe, friendly, and compassionate
space for clients to share experiences, and explore ways to
gain a more mindful perspective. Rob is skilled in helping
clients explore their resources, and create new strategies to
navigate life experiences more mindfully. Rob’s approach to
clinical therapy is guided by the Adlerian model, and centers
on the idea that people are hardwired to belong, must feel
capable of contributing to their community, and feel cared

Rob focused his master’s training in mindfulness, and
believes that mindful strategies are a powerful way to shift
our experiences, and ease our stress. Rob also believes that
much like mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is an
additional effective method for addressing feelings of anxiety, and depression. CBT offers the opportunity to
change problematic thought patterns. When we allow our
“fear-brain’s” negative thoughts interpret our world, this
habit alters our internal-chemistry, causes us stress, anxiety,
and depression. By examining, addressing, and changing
unhelpful habits of the mind, we can fix faulty ways of
thinking, and re-wire our brains to be more effective,
positive, and productive. Becoming the “watchers” of our
reactions, allows us to become curious of our thoughts, we
can then observe our perceptions, and reflect on our
reactions to experiences. In addition, exploring, and being
more mindful of our internal family systems is yet another
way to gain perspective, and explore how beliefs impact our
experiences, and relationships.

Rob believes that the key to successful psycho-therapy is an
individual’s readiness to explore change. This willingness to
participate in therapy creates the opportunity for personal
growth, and the improvement of one’s quality of life.