Jolene Holland, MA, C.C.C.

Certified Canadian Counsellor

Love Your Life with Restorative Health | Chilliwack

Jolene Holland, MA, C.C.C.

Certified Canadian Counsellor

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Jolene Holland is a certified Professional Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Associatiion (CCPA). She obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in psychology at the University of Calgary, and completed her Master of Arts degree in Counselling Psychology at Trinity Western University.

Jolene has seen that traumatic events or extended exposure to trauma over time may leave a person feeling fractured, empty, incomplete. Feeling isolated and alone, detached from those around and even from one’s self can be terrifying and may seem insurmountable. Sadly, the bedfellow of detachment is too often shame. While trauma has long-lasting impacts to the brain, these impacts do not need to be permanent.

Jolene’s passion and joy is joining with people who are on these difficult paths, people who have experienced traumatic events yet are able to receive the invitation for connection and presence as they rediscover who they were and who they are becoming. She enjoys collaborating with clients to find internal resources and resilience, as the ‘stuff’ of survival is so often the source of strength.


Jolene’s therapeutic specialties include working with survivors of trauma, including complex trauma, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, systemic trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression. Having had much experience walking alongside survivors of the abuses of power, it has been breathtaking to watch the transformation that occurs in a caring relationship and to hear someone find and learn to use their voice. Jolene’s approach is authentic, accepting, and neurobiologically informed. Jolene is an approved provider for services through the Crime Victims Assistance Program (CVAP).