Dr. Molly Sears, B.Sc., N.D.

Naturopathic Physician

Love Your Life with Restorative Health | Chilliwack

Dr. Molly Sears, B.Sc., N.D.

Naturopathic Physician

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Dr. Molly completed her doctorate degree at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto. Prior, she was born and raised in Colorado and completed her Bachelor of Science Degree from Colorado State University. After graduating from CCNM, Dr. Molly opened up a private practice for three years in northern Colorado but recently has moved to British Columbia and is excited to continue providing naturopathic care here. 

Her goal with each of her patients is to create a space where they can be listened to and time can be taken to understand their health history and concerns to a point that you feel heard. Education is a huge part of Dr. Mollys visits and her goal is always to help you understand the why behind each of her recommendations and give you the tools you need to better understand your body, health, and wellness. 

Dr. Molly also offers a 10-week program called The Metabolic Restoration Method. Through her years of helping women correct their hormonal imbalances, she recognized a common root cause problem of their hormonal health was rooted in their metabolic health. This lead Dr. Molly to create The Metabolic Restoration Method, a course that educates and empowers women with messed-up hormones and the inability to lose or maintain weight, to feel in control of their body and regain control of their metabolism.


Love Your Life with Restorative Health | Chilliwack

Areas of FOCUS

As a primary care physician, Dr. Molly treats a wide variety of concerns. She has a clinical focus on women’s health/ hormones, digestive issues, skin health, metabolic health, and wellness optimization. Common conditions she enjoys treating include:

 • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS)

 • Insulin Resistance
 • Weight loss and Weight loss Resistance 

 • Endometriosis
 • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)/ Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder (PMDD)

 • Post Birth Control Syndrome
 • Menopause

 • Acne 

 • Leaky Gut

 • Food sensitivities 

 • Bloating, indigestion, GERD/Heartburn

 • Eczema + other skin concerns

 • Pre-diabetes 

 • Diabetes 

Using blood work, completing functional lab tests, physical exams, and collecting your health history/concerns, Dr. Molly uses a variety of modalities to help create well-rounded, effective, and individualized treatment protocols for you! Some of the modalities Dr. Molly works with include clinical nutrition, nutraceutical interventions, traditional Chinese medicine, botanical medicine, lifestyle medicine, and mindfulness practices.